Our tailored in-house training programs are effective and well received by our clients.

Paul S W Leung
Chief Executive Officer
The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
Your speech was most informative and enlightening. The participants have no doubt benefited immensely from your words of wisdom and have gained valuable insights into business process improvement and optimization.
Kam Chak-fai, Cephas
Training Manager
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, HKSARG
I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for your excellent facilitation in the above programme (Empowering Leadership) to OGCIO.
Mrs. Sarah Choy
Special Projects In Charge
Po Leung Kuk
The structure of training contents, interactive approach and clear presentation made it both informative and practical. The real-life illustrations and case studies provided us relevant references to identify the operational areas for improvement in the Kuk as well as the potential solutions.
We have been providing a wide spectrum of training programs to private and listed companies, trade associations, government departments, universities and NGOs, to help their staff acquire management skills and enhance management effectiveness.
Training Approach
All training programs are designed to be highly interactive, packed with practical concepts and tools, group discussion sessions, games, activities, class practices and the consultant’s first-person project experience sharing.
Corporate Retreat / Executive Development Programs
Please click the corresponding program titles to check out the program briefs
Management Effectiveness Enhancement Training Programs
Please click the corresponding program titles to check out the program briefs
Contact us for service enquiry.
Our prestigious clients